Directed by Matt Wilkinson — Featuring the Students of LifeLink
Music by Spencer McKee
Runtime: 41 Minutes
“A Road to Independence” is the slogan of LifeLink PSU, which is a special education program for students enrolled in the State College Area School District. LifeLink serves students between the ages of 18 to 21, providing them with the opportunity to explore their educational and post-graduation goals on the campus of The Pennsylvania State University. Founded in 1996, hear from current and former students about the value of this opportunity; and how LifeLink’s programing is guiding them on their roads to independent living.
The Road to Independence — 2022 — Directed by Matt Wilkinson, Featuring the Students of LifeLink
Music by Spencer McKee
“A Road to Independence” is the slogan of LifeLink PSU, which is a special education program for students enrolled in the State College Area School District. LifeLink serves students between the ages of 18 to 21, providing them with the opportunity to explore their educational and post-graduation goals on the campus of The Pennsylvania State University. Founded in 1996, hear from current and former students about the value of this opportunity; and how LifeLink’s programing is guiding them on their roads to independent living.