Directed by Matt Wilkinson — Featuring Kaleb Brownson, Mark Sciegaj, Carter, Sara, and John Brownson
Director of Photography: Nick Weiss — Videographers: Claire Schmitt, Miranda Rish, Kim Updike
Runtime: 20 minutes
Huey Lewis and the News’ iconic “Back to the Future” theme becomes the anthem of 16 year old Kaleb’s journey to craft his own “BTF” installment! Doc Brown may be wearing painter’s goggles and the DeLorean is now a Kia, but as the songs says, don’t need money, don’t take fame!
The Power of Love — 2019 — Directed by Matt Wilkinson, Featuring Kaleb Brownson, Mark Sciegaj, Carter Brownson,
Director of Photography: Nick Weiss — Videographers: Claire Schmitt, Miranda Rish, Kim Updike
Huey Lewis and the News’ iconic “Back to the Future” theme becomes the anthem of 16 year old Kaleb’s journey to craft his own “BTF” installment! Doc Brown may be wearing painter’s goggles and the DeLorean is now a Kia, but as the songs says, don’t need money, don’t take fame!